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Well, we did it!

From: Bill Weber <> Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 8:47:31 AM

Subject: Thank you

Well, we did it!

I thank all of you.

The VFW, American Legion, the Marine Corps League, the Sons of the American Legion, the Riders, the American Legion Auxiliary, the Scouts, and everyone else – Thank you!

We put on a dance last night at the hall. The theme was around raising awareness for suicide prevention and being the one to reach out to others - "Be The One".

We did that.

Everyone had a really good time, and it was a family friendly event with the Boy Scouts providing games outside for the kids. Plus we had raffle prizes and danced to music from dj Skip who did finally play Fly Me To The Moon!

We ALL came together and did something – as veterans and for veterans. That matters.

  • Sure, we probably lost money on the event. It took months and countless hours to plan this. Tony Webb gave his all for this event, and knocked on countless doors and walked all over the county and shook a lot of hands to make this happen. Thank you Tony.

  • Thank you to Mike Clement and Brentwood Embroidery for all the work they did with the printing and for Mike doing a great job being the host and Master of Ceremonies.

  • Thank you to Jeff Geddes for putting together many things, including the slide show.

  • Thank you to Travis Martin for getting everything connected for the slide show.

  • Thank you to Roger Bonte for the Technology Assistance.

  • Thank you to Dolores, Dolly, and Tamara for all of the great work done by the Auxiliary.

  • I also have to call out the Duran family who gave a lot both in time, assistance, and who donated to the raffle and our cause - Thank you!!!!

I could go on and on – you all did a lot!

We all played a part. Yes, every one of you, and those that I do not have emails for, please send this to them, and thank them. Somehow, it all came together – I thank you, I appreciate the work you do for veterans, and I appreciate you.

We probably didn’t recruit a damn member. But more people will come to future events, and we finally did something social together at the hall since covid.

I was also able to meet a Marine last night who is having problems with his VA claim, get to know him and his family, and I will make sure Archie Smith follows up with him to try to help this man who served our country and is not getting the benefits he earned.

I am thankful for you.

Serving Those Who Served

Pictures here – and feel free to add your own!

Bill Weber


VFW Post 10789


From: Tony Webb <> Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2023 9:11 AM Subject: Re: Thank you

Bill, well said, and I also concur with you. I include you in helping this tremendous event that took place last night happen. It’s takes all of us to make it great and you all did that. This Post has the potential to be the best in the State. We had a family friendly event that we could all attend and be proud of. I again thank you all. Remember “Be the One” to save someone’s life… Tony

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