Veterans day is approaching and we are excited for that! You will start to see a lot of discounts, promotions, and sales offers for veterans, and some in the name of Veterans day. That is nice. What is really nice is when you remember veterans. Thank a veteran for their service. Ask a veteran about what they did. Get to know a veteran now before its too late, and time does pass quickly. Ask them how they are doing - check in on them. Visit one of the local Senior Communities and say hello to the veterans there, or ask the VA in Martinez if you can help there.

Make a donation to organizations that support veterans. When our VFW Post receives a donation - that money all stays here and is used locally to help our local veterans in need.
Volunteer with organizations that support veterans. Go to a Veterans Day ceremony and talk to your local veterans.
If you are a veteran, then join one of the local VSO's - VFW Post 10789, American Legion Post 202, Marine Corps League Delta Diablo Det 1155 Marine Corps League because these are all veteran organizations that are fighting to protect your rights as veterans, and helping to make our community a better place to live. We need you.
Finally, we are very thankful to all of you that support veterans each and every day! We see that all the time in our community, and we recognize how lucky we are to be here. Earlier this year the City of Brentwood - Local Government issued a Veterans of Foreign Wars Day Proclamation and this was very moving especially to those veterans from the Vietnam War who were treated dishonorably when they returned home from their service. These things matter.
So, yes, we like the discounts and bargains - who doesn't like to save a buck or two - but connections with our community is what really makes a difference. Thank you all!