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Holiday Pack for Troops

Hello veterans, supporters, and community members,

We have a great event coming up...The 11th Annual Holiday Pack for The Troops!

Tuesday, December 12th, 6 PM at the Brentwood Veterans Memorial Bldg.

757 1st Street Brentwood

We need volunteers, and of course, there's an app for that...well, there's a sign-up sheet online.

It's called Sign Up Genius button below.

You go to the site, sign up, enter your details and your email address, and you can even add it to your calendar.

I will caution you - there will be a number of screens after the sign-up advertising to sign up for free stuff - I just declined them all - it's up to you.

But, there are slots for Tuesday and for Wednesday - we need you!

The example below.

Sign Up Link


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