County, veterans clash over downtown property Sean Tongson, Correspondent Jul 27, 2023

Firstly, we would like to extend our sincere appreciation to The Press and Sean Tongson for bringing the critical issue concerning the clash between the county and veterans over the downtown property to public attention.
The article shed much-needed light on the situation, and we are grateful for the dedicated reporting that brings important matters like these to the forefront. As concerned citizens, we recognize the significance of an informed and engaged community, and The Press plays a crucial role in keeping us all well-informed.
Additionally, we have a couple of comments on the matter.
We wholeheartedly concur that a new fire station is an urgent necessity for East County. Given its critical importance, it becomes even more crucial to ensure that the fire station is situated in the most appropriate location. It is disheartening to see the inclination towards shortcuts when dealing with such a vital project. Instead, we firmly believe that we should approach the construction of the fire station with utmost diligence, doing it right the first time. By carefully selecting the optimal location, we can ensure the fire station's effectiveness and efficiency in serving our community's safety needs for years to come. Let's prioritize the long-term well-being of our community and make the right decision for the betterment of East County.
The land dedicated to veterans in 1923 by the Contra Costa County Board Of Supervisors is of utmost concern and demands our attention. It was a solemn promise made to honor veterans, and the significance of this dedication cannot be understated. The subsequent addition of a $1 rent and the lease appear to have been introduced as a means to limit the county's commitment to veterans, which is disheartening. Over the course of a century, we have witnessed the gradual encroachment on land originally dedicated to veterans, and it is disheartening to see the county now seeking to renege on this sacred promise. As veterans and concerned citizens, we must stand united in safeguarding the integrity of this commitment and ensure that the land remains dedicated to those who have selflessly served our nation. Let us honor the sacrifices of our veterans by preserving this symbol of remembrance and gratitude for generations to come.
The lack of willingness from Supervisor Burgis and the Fire District to consider alternative locations for the fire station is deeply concerning. Their communication thus far has been dismissive and rigid, leaving veterans with the impression that their concerns are falling on deaf ears. It is disheartening to witness a bureaucratic approach that seems determined to push forward without taking into account the valid points raised by veterans and concerned citizens. Despite knowing that the current location is not suitable, they appear unwilling to change course. This inflexibility is a stark example of how bureaucracies can become relentless forces, disregarding the impact on communities and individuals in their pursuit. As veterans and concerned citizens, we implore them to show genuine consideration for the community's best interests and work collaboratively to find a location that serves both the needs of the fire station and the preservation of downtown businesses and the historic dedication to veterans.