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Chamber of Commerce Letter

BVMB Board

From: Bill Weber Sent: Friday, July 7, 2023 12:09 AM To: Cc: BVMB Board Subject: Property Designated for Veterans of East County

Dear Members of the Chamber of Commerce,

We write to you today as concerned members of the Brentwood community, including the veterans building and local businesses, to address the potential ramifications of constructing a multi-story fire station in downtown Brentwood adjacent to the Brentwood Veterans Memorial Building. While we understand the necessity of a well-equipped fire station for the safety of our community, we wish to emphasize the potential impact of such a development on the cherished hometown feel of downtown Brentwood and the impact to our local businesses.

Downtown Brentwood holds a distinct and irreplaceable charm that sets it apart from larger urban areas. The proposed construction of a multi-story fire station has elicited concerns from veterans and local businesses alike, as it has the potential to disrupt the harmonious ambiance and intimate atmosphere that define our beloved downtown. Moreover, it is vital to consider the potential impact on downtown businesses and pedestrians when envisioning fire engines blaring down First Street. This raises valid concerns about the disruption caused to individuals seeking to enjoy themselves in downtown Brentwood, as well as the potential effect on local businesses. Would you invite the blaring sirens for your wedding, funeral, memorial, quinceañera? Or while you are seated outside enjoying a meal at one of the numerous restaurants in downtown Brentwood?

While we acknowledge the necessity of a fire station and we hold deep respect and appreciation for our firefighters, however, we firmly believe that alternative locations within the city would be better suited to accommodate this development without compromising the hometown feel of downtown Brentwood. Numerous open lots throughout the city provide ample space for the construction of a fire station, ensuring that the downtown area, including its businesses, parking availability, and pedestrian access, remains unaffected. By carefully considering alternative sites, the County can strike a balance between the vital needs of our first responders and the preservation of the unique character and economic vibrancy that downtown Brentwood offers.

The Brentwood Veterans Memorial Building Inc., in conjunction with American Legion Post 202, VFW Post 10789, and Marine Corps League Detachment 1155, expresses additional concerns regarding the reduction in size of the Veterans property. The County's proposal to adjust the property line would encroach upon the space currently utilized by veterans for parking and storage. Unfortunately, the County has not shown a favorable response to the concerns raised by the Veterans, prompting us to seek support from local businesses in our endeavor.

The Veterans have composed a letter addressed to Supervisor Burgis, providing additional details regarding the ongoing situation. We cordially invite you to familiarize yourself with the evolving developments by accessing a copy of the letter at the following link:

To the local businesses, we urge you to take the initiative to gain a comprehensive understanding of the proposed fire station and assess for yourselves whether it truly represents the optimal location. Determine first hand whether its establishment would compromise the cherished hometown feel that defines downtown Brentwood. Consider whether it is justifiable to encroach upon land dedicated to our esteemed veterans in order to squeeze a fire station into an inadequately sized lot. We encourage you to reach out to Supervisor Burgis and ensure that your voice is heard on this matter.

We sincerely appreciate your attention and thoughtful consideration. Together, let us actively engage in this discourse, shaping the outcome with our collective wisdom and unwavering commitment to preserving the best interests of our community.


Board Members, Brentwood Veterans Memorial Building

Commander VFW Post 10789

Commander American legion Post 202

Commandant Marine Corps League Detachment 1155


© 2023 by Brentwood Veterans Memorial Building Inc.

757 1st St, Brentwood, CA, United States, 94513

+1 925-206-9748

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